BCP Lawyers and Consultants specialises in Building, Construction and Property Law. We represent some of Australia’s largest developers and builders in relation to their building contract and building dispute, planning and other real estate related matters.


At BCP, we value our client relationships and constantly aim to deliver a superior service with commercial and practical legal solutions.

When you instruct BCP, you engage either Marty Perry or Mark Driscoll, who will deal with you directly from start to finish and personally handle your matter. You do not engage and pay for a team of associates, junior solicitors and paralegals.


With BCP’s team possessing qualifications and practical large firm experience in construction, planning and real estate matters, including on large commercial, industrial, residential, retail, health, PPP and community projects, BCP knows how it feels to stand in the shoes of its clients. This understanding of construction and property matters from the ground up adds value and a new dimension to transactions and gives BCP a unique ability to communicate with its clients at both a technical and legal level.


Our services include:

  • Contract drafting, advice, negotiation and on-going administration and finalisation
  • Legal proceedings in all jurisdictions, including Arbitration, CTTT, Local District and Supreme Courts
  • Claims advice, preparation, settlement and recovery, including under relevant Security of Payment Act and Home Building legislation
  • Land acquisition, development and transfer
  • Agreements for lease and leases
  • Planning and L & E Appeals